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IGEL OS Firmware Updates 

Step-by-Step Guide

IGEL OS updates are delivered via downloadable firmware available from the IGEL web site. The IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) ships with functionality to automate the process of updating IGEL devices. Depending on how your devices connect to the UMS defines how they are updated, you have two possible choices.

This guide walks you through how to update the IGEL OS firmware locally or via the IGEL UMS on the LAN or via anywhere using IGEL's Cloud Gateway (ICG). 

*based on: UMS 5.09.120 - IGEL OS 10.05.500


Table of Contents

  • IGEL OS Firmware Updates

  • IGEL OS Firmware Versions Explained

  • Update IGEL OS Firmware via the UMS

  • Update IGEL OS Firmware via the ICG

    • Download IGEL OS Firmware

    • Create Firmware Repository

      • 4. 2. 1 How to Configure AWS S3 as the Firmware Repository

      • 4. 2. 2 How to Configure Citrix ShareFile as the Firmware Repository

      • 4. 2. 3 How to Configure Microsoft IIS FTP as the Firmware Repository

  • How to Create a Firmware Update Profile

  • How to Deploy a Firmware Update

    • How to Manual Deploy from UMS

    • How to Automate Updates on Shutdown

    • How to Schedule Updates using Jobs & Views

    • How to Update Existing Profiles

*based on: UMS 5.09.120 - IGEL OS 10.05.500

Previous Versions


*based on: UMS 5.09.120 - IGEL OS 10.05.500 - ICG 1.04.110

Additional Getting Started Guides

IGEL Step-by-Step Getting Started Guide.

*based on: UMS 6.06.110 - IGEL OS 11.04.270 - ICG 2.02.110

IGEL OS(RPI4) for NComputing RX420(IGEL)

*based on: IGEL OS (RPI4) 11.01.100


*based on: UMS 5.09.120 - IGEL OS 10.05.500


*based on: IGEL OS 11.05.120

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