Written by Kolja Knispel , IGEL COMMUNITY MEMBER
In the last week I had a customer needed remote audio in their RDP environment using the SwyxIT solution. They were running following setup:
OS11.08.230 , RDP Server2019 , Protocoll: RDP , SwixIT13.2, JabraEvolve75
I found a great guide provided by SwyxIT and was able to setup the audio.
If you want to test it, just check out the following guides and make sure you have set following registry keys on IGEL side to force CTI mode to be activated.
- 64 Bit Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Swyx\SwyxIt!\CurrentVersion\Options
- Name: ForceCTIMode
- Typ: DWORD
- Wert: 0
SwyxIT Manual German
SwyxIT Manual English
Read more here: