In the following blog article, IGEL Community member and INSIDER, Barry Browne, details how to upgrade IGEL OS over IGEL's Cloud Gateway (ICG) while using Amazon S3 as the firmware repository. Great article!

"So, due to COVID you now have a bunch of IGEL OS machines sitting in people's homes, with no real way to manage them remotely, specifically any way to upgrade the firmware. Enter the IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG). This is a solution that allows you to manage your IGEL thin clients from the same Universal Management Suite (UMS) that you use today, with almost feature parity.
Why do I say almost feature parity? Well, you cannot natively upgrade the IGEL OS Firmware using the IGEL Cloud Gateway. You need to configure some kind of storage solution for the updates and provision them via a profile. In my case, I chose to use Amazon Simple Storage Solution (S3) as it is the easiest, and in our experience the fastest to download the largish (1.5-2.0GB) firmware updates to our thin clients.
Where do begin? I am going to assume that you already have a fully functioning UMS + ICG implementation in place, along with access to the AWS S3 console or CLI."
Read the entire article on Barry's blog here: Upgrade IGEL OS using IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) and S3