Written by David Seeber, IGEL INSIDER
A quick tip for IGEL administrators who may run into this or have done in the past:
If you have some IGEL devices where the license expired and then a new license was rolled out, the device might get licensed, but the UMS doesn't refresh its info. In this case, there is an easy solution!
First of all, to clarify:
the currently valid license is loaded in the UMS and shows under UMS Administration > Licenses > Device Licenses and/or Deployment
the device is online in the UMS but shows as unlicensed/license expired
the device itself is licensed, which can be confirmed by opening the Start Menu locally on the device and clicking About - there should be one or more green ticks here under License Information
To refresh the license info in the UMS, you can do the following:
Click the Scan for Devices (round radar button)
enter the IP address or range for the device(s) in question and then proceed
tick Include for the correct device(s) and proceed
This will update all the device info in the UMS and the license information should now be correct!
NB: There is also a special command which can be run by right-clicking on a device or a directory: Other commands > Refresh license information in case you prefer it. But I like to use the above method as it shows me straight away which devices are on the network, and I get more control over which ones I want to refresh.
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